Scrap Your Zippers and GHC
Having used Data.Tree.Zipper
in TokenUtils.hs for the Haskell
Refactorer, I have come to appreciate the power of zippers in terms of
having the whole structure available for modification as a context to
the specific location your code is working on.
I am currently working on a refactoring to lift a declaration one
level up in the code. For example, lifting the pow = 2
in the code below
sumSquares x y = sq x + sq y
sq 0 = 0
sq z = z^pow
where pow=2
should result in
sumSquares x y = sq x + sq y
sq 0 = 0
sq z = z^pow
being generated.
The transformation is achieved by doing a generic traversal over the
GHC RenamedSource
There are (at least) three possible strategies to achieve this.
Generic match at an appropriate level to be able to perform the transformation. This is the approach used in the original HaRe, but the GHC AST is different from the original so a much deeper match is required.
Create a generic traversal that has access to the surrounding zipper. This requires a modification of the standard SYB
etc. -
Split the transformation into opening the zipper via a generic query and then transforming it.
The third option is similar to what is happening in the HaRe
TokenUtils using Data.Tree.Zipper
Before Data.Generics.Zipper
from syz can be used for traversals,
it must be modified to deal with the undefined areas in the GHC AST.
There are a number of types in the AST that are populated with error messages so that they blow up if they are traversed at an inappropriate stage of GHC compilation. This unfortunately means that specific care must be taken to avoid them in any generic code.
placeHolderType :: PostTcType -- Used before typechecking
placeHolderType = panic "Evaluated the place holder for a PostTcType"
placeHolderKind :: PostTcKind -- Used before typechecking
placeHolderKind = panic "Evaluated the place holder for a PostTcKind"
A further wrinkle is that the set of invalid types changes depending on what phase (Parser,Renamer,TypeChecker) of the AST is being examined.
We first define a test, parameterised on the phase, to determine if the type may blow up. This just attempts to cast the current zipper hole to the dangerous type, and if the cast succeeds returns True.
checkZipperStaged :: Stage -> Zipper a -> Bool
checkZipperStaged stage z
| isJust maybeNameSet = checkItemStage stage (fromJust maybeNameSet)
| isJust maybePostTcType = checkItemStage stage (fromJust maybePostTcType)
| isJust maybeFixity = checkItemStage stage (fromJust maybeFixity)
| otherwise = False
maybeNameSet :: Maybe NameSet
maybeNameSet = getHole z
maybePostTcType :: Maybe PostTcType
maybePostTcType = getHole z
maybeFixity :: Maybe GHC.Fixity
maybeFixity = getHole z
The above function makes use of an existing (in HaRe) test for an item against the specific stage
-- | Checks whether the current item is undesirable for analysis in the current
-- AST Stage.
checkItemStage :: Typeable a => Stage -> a -> Bool
checkItemStage stage x = (const False `extQ` postTcType
`extQ` fixity
`extQ` nameSet) x
nameSet :: NameSet -> Bool
nameSet = const (stage `elem` [Parser,TypeChecker])
postTcType :: GHC.PostTcType -> Bool
postTcType = const (stage < TypeChecker)
fixity :: GHC.Fixity -> Bool
fixity = const (stage < Renamer)
With this test in hand, we can modify the existing traversals to make use of it. So
-- | Apply a generic transformation everywhere in a bottom-up manner.
zeverywhere :: GenericT -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
zeverywhere f z = trans f (downT g z) where
g z' = leftT g (zeverywhere f z')
-- | Apply a generic transformation everywhere in a bottom-up manner.
zeverywhereStaged :: (Typeable a)
=> Stage -> GenericT -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
zeverywhereStaged stage f z
| checkZipperStaged stage z = z
| otherwise = trans f (downT g z)
g z' = leftT g (zeverywhereStaged stage f z')
Given that it is a transformation, we simply return the existing item if it cannot be evaluated.
Opening the zipper
A traversal over a zipper does not really add much over existing SYB traversals, unless we have access to the zipper while transforming or querying the AST.
So we create a function which takes a generic query, and returns the point in the zipper where the query matches. The zipper can then be manipulated as required.
-- | Open a zipper to the point where the Geneneric query passes.
-- returns the original zipper if the query does not pass (check this)
zopenStaged :: (Typeable a)
=> SYB.Stage -> SYB.GenericQ Bool -> Z.Zipper a -> [Z.Zipper a]
zopenStaged stage q z
| checkZipperStaged stage z = []
| Z.query q z = [z]
| otherwise = reverse $ Z.downQ [] g z
g z' = (zopenStaged stage q z') ++ (Z.leftQ [] g z')
Note that we are using a GenericQ Bool
, so the standard extQ
combinators can be used to build up a compound query.
The above code is a variant of zmapQ
in syz.
zopenStaged in use
Returning to our opening example, we first create a function to look
for the definition of the function to be lifted, which occurs in a
Match buried in a FunBind by way of a MatchGroup
liftToMatchQ :: GHC.Match GHC.Name -> Bool
liftToMatchQ (match@(GHC.Match pats mtyp (GHC.GRHSs rhs ds))::GHC.Match GHC.Name)
= nonEmptyList (definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds ds) False False) ||
nonEmptyList (definingDeclsNames [n] (hsBinds rhs) False False)
The Match has the patterns matched for the function, a possible type annotation and then the RHS with optional local binds (ds).
In our example the pow = 2
declaration occurs in the ds portion of
the second match of a MatchGroup.
So, if renamed
holds the RenamedSource for the example,
let [z] = zopenStaged Renamer (False `mkQ` liftToMatchQ) (toZipper renamed)
will provide a zipper z
open to the Match containing the declaration.
The list will be empty if the query does not find a target.
Operating on the open zipper
We now wish to make a Monadic transformation of the zipper, and since we have potentially passed in a multi-part GenericQ to open the zipper, it must be a generic transform presented as a GenericM so that it matches the appropriate item in the focus of the zipper.
We start with a function which first re-does the GenericQ to ensure that it is in the right place, and runs the zipper level transformation function where it matches.
-- | Monadic transform of a zipper opened with a given generic query
transZM :: Monad m
=> SYB.Stage
-> SYB.GenericQ Bool
-> (SYB.Stage -> Zipper a -> m (Zipper a))
-> Zipper a
-> m (Zipper a)
transZM stage q t z
| query q z = t stage z
| otherwise = return z
The transZM
function returns the zipper unchanged if it does not
match, so it can be chained in a fold.
Also, the transformation function has access to the AST stage and the zipper, so can navigate further to find the point higher up in AST as the target for the move.
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